Monday 25 August 2014

Q & A Style What Are Faeries?

1.So What Are Faeries then?

  • Guardians of Nature, who are sometimes referred to as Nature spirits or Elementals.
  • They inhabit all areas of the natural world (trees, oceans, air etc.)
  • Their primary job is to maintain harmony/balance in the world

2.Do Faeries Have Just One Name?

  • Faeries go by many different names such as Sprite.
  • Sprites are believed to be particularly energetic and playful, they live in forests and woods
  • sometimes in the branches and other times on the ground by the streams and ponds
  • legend has it that in winter time the tree Sprites help to shake snow off branches and keep trees company through the long, dark nights.
  • In Fall they pluck dead leaves from branches to the ground for kids to play with and to eventually be swept up.
  • Another name that Faeries go by is Slyph.
  • Slyphs are spirits of the air, that are carried along by the breeze, with their swift movements they are literally the living manifestation of their element.

3. So Each Element Has It's Own Type Of Faery Or Nature Spirit Then?

  • Yes, Some elements have even more than one.
  • For example Nymphs are connected to water as well as to the mountains and forests.
  • Their presence can be felt strongly by flowing water.
  • They also even lend their own characteristics to water, for example a Well Nymph can turn a spring into a healing place.
  • Water Nymphs are also called Naiads.
  • Naiads are companions of fish and amphibians and are said to have the ability to temporarily turn into fish.
  • Earth Spirits that are connected to stones, rocks and mountains are called gnomes.
  • Gnomes are able to move around but they tend to stay close to the ground where they guard the earths treasures, such as, metals, minerals and precious stones.
  • Fire spirits can be found in volcanoes and any type of fire, even a candle flame.     

4.So How Can I Communicate With These Different Types Of Fae?

  • The use of ritual and meditation are excellent ways to connect with these different types of fae.
  • To contact air spirits, climb to the top of a hill on a clear day, in that moment when you feel the air go still and a breeze swirl your hair the sylphs are communicating with you, letting you know that they are near.
  • To feel close to air spirits in your home, cover your altar with a white or pale blue cloth to represent the sky, and blue or white candles. 
  • Burn incense to fill the air with a lovely scent and put anything on your altar that reminds you of the air element, such as, a feather or dandelion.

5. So Does Each Element Represent Different Qualities?

  • Yes, Air relates to freedom, understanding and thought.
  • Fire spirits represent change, dynamism and passion. 
  • Water is associated with emotions, unconscious longings and repressed fears.
  • whilst Earth symbolizes stability. 
  • When you are attuned to a particular element, these characteristics are enhanced.

6. So Where Do Nature Spirits Come From?

  • All over the world.
  • These incredible beings have played a rich role in cultures across the planet since time began.
  • The word 'Sprite' comes from the Latin Spiritus which means 'spirit'. 
  • A belief in nature spirits is embraced worldwide.
  • In the Celtic tradition, they are called spriggans, and they were worshiped in the belief that they'd create harmony between people and nature.
  • The Ancient Greeks practiced a form of Nature worship called Animism, which is a belief that all things have a soul or spirit, and they called their tree spirits Dryads. They had to be honoured or they were said to vent their fury on humans in the form of natural disasters. 
  • The Greek goat-footed god Pan was considered to be the king of the Nature spirits.
  • Ancient Egyptians also revered nature spirits and called them afries. 
  • In Germany, the Undine is a water Nymph who will become mortal if she marries a human being.

7. So Who Did These Spirits Come Into Being Then?

  • Theosophists, who study the relationship between the universe, humanity and the divine, believe that when the earth and physical beings were created, nature spirits were unable to form physical bodies so instead, they live in trees, rivers and rocks, and they also have supernatural powers.
  • They exist in the astral realm rather than the physical one and are usually invisible to the human eye, however some clairvoyants have been lucky enough to set eyes on a nature spirit. 

8. So Are Devas The Same As Sprites? 

  • Devas, which means 'beings of brilliant light' in the ancient language of Sanskrit are the queen bees who influence smaller nature spirits and are the defenders of nature. 
  • They defend all areas of nature- forests, rivers, mountains, clouds etc. 
  • To those with the ability to see spirits, Devas often look like angels. 

9. So Is This Just A Case Of Whether You Believe In Spirits Inhabiting The Natural World Or Not?

  • Nature Worship can also be a religion too.
  • The Japanese Shinto Faith, is based on Animism and worships sprites.
  • Its gods are called Kami and include spirits of the moon, ocean and mountain. 
  • They are seen as spirits that animate nature.
  • Nature Spirits are also enmeshed in the belief system of Kabbalah, which believes that each element has its own kingdom which is presided over by an elemental king who serves an archangel, and together they control the worlds weather patterns.

10. So How Will I Know If I Am In The Presence Of A Nature Spirit? 

  • A sudden breeze or tiny whirlwind could be an air elemental.
  • A fire elemental could show itself as a sudden warm spot or what looks like a face in a candle flame.
  • Ripples in the water may be caused by water faeries, and the lapping of the water could be the sound of their voices.
  • Earth spirits often show themselves as the face of the green man in the leaves or the trunk of a tree, and the scuttling sound in the undergrowth could just possibly be a gnome making himself scarce?

I Hope that you fond this blog post and accompanying Youtube video a useful introduction into the topic of faeries and what are they?

Until next time

Faery Blessings!

Fae X O X O 

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Spirit Guide Contact Spell!

To meet your spirit guide

Items needed:

  •  A Day Candle (the appropriate colour for the day you are doing the spell, Monday-white, Tuesday-red, Wednesday-purple, Thursday-blue, Friday-green, Saturday-black, Sunday-yellow)
  • Other Candles 3 Violet candles, 3 white candles
  • Tools Athame to inscribe candles
  • Props A comfy cushion or pillow
  • Incense Anise, Cardamon and Coriander
  • Oil Jasmine, Lemon, Rose and Sandalwood 
  • Bathing Herbs Cinnamon, Frankincense, Myrrh and Sandlewood


  • Best performed during the Mercury hour of the day, although any hour will work and any moon phase is appropriate. 


  • Breathe deeply and build a ball of protective light around you, while soaking in your ritual bath, meditate on the impending ritual: the steps you will take and what you wish to say to your spirit guide when you make contact.

  • Enter the circle in the hour of Mercury, light the incense, with the oil dress the day candle while concentrating on the purpose of the ritual. Light your day candle and state your intent: "I am here to make contact with my spirit guide and to acknowledge him or her. Lord and Lady I ask for your guidance and support in my quest, so mote it be." 
  • Next sit down on your comfy cushion or lay down on it, whichever feels right. close your eyes, focus on your breathing, each breath in and out while you clear your mind of everyday clutter. Imagine yourself putting each thought into a box and once you have put every thought that comes into your mind into the box, lock the box and put the box into a cupboard. then imagine the cupboard vanishing slowly from sight. 
  • Once the cupboard has vanished from sight, you start to see a beautiful tropical rain forest slowly come into sight. It is blurry at first but it starts to become clearer as the sight of the rain forest becomes clearer so do the sounds of running water, birds chirruping and the sounds of other creatures. 
  • Once the Forest is completely present and the image is completely clear you start to walk through the forest. You notice every sight, every sound, every touch, you can even taste it, you keep walking feeling yourself be really present in the moment.
  • As you keep walking you come to a clearing and when you approach the clearing you see someone and you know instinctively that this is your spirit guide. 
  • What happens next is up to you...................................
  • When the time feels right for you to leave, slowly imagine everything fading from view: your spirit guide, the sounds and sights of the forest until it is completely gone and everything is black wake up.
  • Lie there for a second, let yourself adjust to your surroundings. 
  • Now take the Athame and inscribe the name of which your spirit guide gave you onto your Day candle. You now have a candle to use whenever you want to contact your spirit guide or meditate on any message he or she may have for you or any question/guidance that you need from them.
  • Extinguish this candle and all the others, do the same with the incense.
  • Ground yourself by having your cakes and ale.
  • End your ritual and close your circle how you would normally 

I hope you enjoy this spell and find it useful for establishing a connection with your spirit guide. It is a similar ritual to what I used, I just embellished it slightly. I am very pleased with it. I love writing spells. 
Leave me a comment and let me know what you think and if you use it how it went!

Blessed Be

Fae  X O X O  

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Witnessing random acts of kindness in the unlikeliest of places!

Hello My Beautiful Butterfly Friends,

As I am sure that I have mentioned in previous videos that I really wanted to get my blog off the ground.
So I thought what better way to start my blogging off then sharing with you an amazing thing that I witnessed the other day.......

........On Sunday 30th March (Mothers Day in the UK) I was at work (for those of you that don't know my day job is in Lidl). Anyway as I am sure you know it gets really busy in Lidl's and we are not like other supermarkets as we provide really quick service on the checkouts.

 It was really busy and a long day as I had been on the checkout the whole time, so I was feeling tired, irritable & ready to go home. I then served this older gentleman who if I had to guess was in his 70's. There was nothing unusual or extraordinary about this man he was just going about his everyday life. When it came time to pay, his shopping came to over £50 he put his bank card in the machine to pay and then he got this pin number wrong, which in itself isn't unusual people do it all the time, I have as I am sure you probably have as well.

So we tried again, the machine timed out so we had to go through the whole process for a third time.         By this point there was a large queue forming at my till and one of my colleagues rang for someone else to come onto the till to help with the queue. The man was getting flustered and worried that there was a problem with his card as he knew he had money in there.

There was a young couple and their infant son behind him waiting to be served. The man tried to make light of the situation as he said that he had dementia but that he wasn't that bad. The couple didn't say anything. The man then got his wallet out to see if he had enough money.

He was counting his money and he was short. Going home and coming back wasn't an option as he lived the other side of the town.

Suddenly the young lady behind asked me how much he was short by and I did a quick calculation and it was about £15. She then said that she would pay it. She reached into her purse and gave me the money. The man was so grateful, he kept thanking the young lady.

He kept saying over and over how he "could never repay" her. He kept asking for her number or address to send her the money. She just kept telling him over & over not to worry about it. The look of gratitude on his face was beautiful.

It was such a lovely and thoughtful thing to do. I found myself grinning from ear to ear. That lady's kindness not only rubbed off on me but on the other customers in the queue. What made it even more special was that it was mothers day. A day when she should of been being spoilt by her family and she was doing something selfless for someone else.

What I saw touched me so much that I had to share it with you and I have felt compelled to pay it forward.

Thank you for reading and for watching my videos. Bright Blessings
Fae X O X O